David Zemach-Bersin


David Zemach-Bersin is one of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais' earliest students. He was fortunate to study directly with Dr. Feldenkrais for over a decade in the US, Europe and Israel, and has been involved with the development of the Feldenkrais Method since 1973. David is the co-author of Relaxercise and many popular Feldenkrais audio and video programs. He is the long-time director of the New York City Feldenkrais Method Professional Training Program, as well the founder of Feldenkrais Access and The Feldenkrais Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to bringing the benefits of the method to underserved populations. He is currently isolating in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with his wife, Kaethe.

Creating Neurological Balance and Ease

Online Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® series
available in
Movement & Creativity Library or as a self-paced product

A set of empowering tools that you can use to support healthy neurological balance in stressful times.

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Series includes:
8 video classes with talks
• 6 hours of Q & A Videos
• 24 downloadable audio recordings
• Bonus: Download David’s Soothe and Calm Series

1. Movements of the Jaw and Tongue to Reduce Anxiety
2. Neurological Balance, Ease and Creativity through Your Spine
3. Opening and Closing Like a Flower
4. Elemental Turning
5. Softening the Chest with Attention to the Dantian 丹田
6. Opening and Closing Like a Flower, Lying on the Side
7. Joining The Hands
8. Linking the Whole Self in Movement

“I am learning the ease with which I can shift from tension to comfort with simple shifts of attention. There is an increased degree of patience with myself and others, and a more clear belief in each of our abilities to change our patterns and moods.” -Linda Christy

or access the series in Movement and Creativity Library

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