Chanukiah Feldenkrais series with Deborah Bowes

The Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® lesson named Chanukiah in Hebrew, or, Candelabra in English, is perfectly suited for the eight days of Chanukah. Deborah Bowes has developed Feldenkrais’ classic Chanukiah lesson into an extended series that is fun, interesting and eagerly anticipated by her students each December during the eight days of Chanukah.

This year, during Chanukah, Deborah will teach her Chanukiah series online, one lesson a day for 5 days. The lessons can be enjoyed by anyone and each one stands alone, but as a series, the movements and ideas build to guide you to experience flexibility and flow of the mind and body.

This series of lessons offers a unique opportunity to be the candelabra, to ignite your curiosity and to integrate your feelings, thoughts and movements. 

series includes audio downloads

Watch the Intro class:

There were many beautiful reflections from the lesson. Here are few:

"I feel much brighter now"

"it was a real delight - i'm floating"

"I feel more spacious between my shoulder blades"

"I can breathe so much easier and deeper!

"Thank you so much, all my ribs feels so much softer"

"Lovely way to start the day today.
My breathing feels softer and thoracic spine
feels freer. I felt an incredible sense of self love."

Student experiences from the series:

"My breathing feels much softer and more expansive"

I can now wash a whole sink full of dishes without any pain in my low back!  I never would have suspected that the problem was restriction in my thoracic spine/shoulder blade area.  I can also easily hold a graceful frame (such as in ballet or tango) without feeling strain - I have access to a newfound freedom and elegance in my dance experience that is quite delightful.” - Shayna

This classic Awareness Through Movement® lesson is one of Moshe's grandest and most unique tours of the complex organization of multiple systems of our bodies. With her exquisite teaching skills, Deborah leads her students to explore these lessons with compassion and care. Thank you both for providing this remarkable opportunity!” - Becky Behling, GCFP, certified personal trainer

“My thoracic spine became nimble, light, quick and elegant to move.  It moved me to humility.” - Helena Heppner, Balance and Walking Coach

When I was taking a walk today, I had so much more movement in my whole ribcage. Marvelous!

"I loved waking up in bed and playing with these movements before getting out of bed. Makes me feel safe and open, like a happy baby.”

“I’ve been ‘Feldenkraising’ for more than 20 years doing FI and ATMs.  This class enabled me to access the feeling of my spine between my ribs for the very first time.”

One pleasure after another.  All is pleasing to my soul and spirit. What a wonderful way to celebrate our being together.

I had the experience on the last day that a long standing emotional block had eased.  How does one describe that kind of experience?  It is deep and personal and words do not capture it.  For me, it is much more than gaining a few degrees in shoulder movement. The work of the lessons, building upon each other, centering on the chest and mid back set up the environment for a release…Feldenkrais work may be slow but well worth the time.” -  Heidi Mcovern, Feldenkrais Practitioner