Your Pelvis Rocks!

6 week series with Tiffany Sankary

Scroll down to see the 1st class replay

Our pelvis often disappears from our awareness in our modern life. Slouching in chairs and couches, while looking at devices of all sizes brings our heads forward and down. 

In this series we will explore the power, possibility and presence of your pelvis as a central organizer of your action. When you clarify fundamental movements of your pelvis and how they connect to your whole self, your posture improves, back/neck pain decreases, and you increase freedom in your hip joints, while experiencing a greater sense of fluidity, support and overall well being.


  • Clarity of and new freedom in hip joints

  • Oscillations, rocking, rhythm as organizing, calming and energizing

  • Support through your feet and legs , sit bones and up through your spine

  • Habitual and non-habitual movement patterns

  • Ease, fluidity, self acceptance, power & pleasure

Series includes:

  • Recordings of 6 weekly classes + audio downloads

  • A series of mini-Feldenkrais audio lessons to help integrate the learning in daily ways

This is an updated version of Tiffany's series she taught in 2009.

This series is sponsored by Movement & Creativity Library and is open to members and non-members. Recordings will go in the library & members can join to come live and keep the audio downloads.

First class replay: Connecting Feet and Pelvis

This lesson takes place on your back. You'll need a mat to lie on and comfortable clothes to move in. (adjust the thickness/ thinness of the mat to suit your comfort). Rest as often as you'd like in any position.

This is an update of a lesson I taught 13 years ago, inspired by Elizabeth Beringer. The current version is influenced by my learning from Jeremy Krauss' Abilities training that I'm enrolled in.

Experiences from the first class:

“I feel stronger”

“I feel more alert, alive, and more relaxed, thank you”

“S0 many yummy connections, loved the variety.”

“Wonderful lesson, Tiffany! Looking forward to the rest of the series, and the mini-lessons are an added bonus!! Thanks so much!”

“It brings a higher level of awareness from every little corner.”

“Thank you. Feel more balanced, like I'm taller. More grounded.”

“Thank you I feel more relaxed- managed to release some more stored childhood grief. It was a lovely class- thank you so much xxx”

“Thank you. I feel much more symmetrical and general widening everywhere”

“My shoulders are dripping down my back, and chest lifted . So much tension released! Lovely practice-thank you”

“I could feel my weight over to the right side initially and I then became more grounded with deeper awareness and connection through movement. Thank you.”

“beautifully put together!!! thank you !! What a lesson!!”

“This is a wonderful instruction for the feet as well—very helpful for stiff feet”

“Feeing more of my Whole self, tall, graceful, grounded. Surprised by the connection of lifting the outside edge of my right foot to my breath- such a deep sigh of relief - also with lifting inside edge of my left foot, very grateful”

“Noticing more spaciousness in my pelvis and fluidity in my spine. Thank you so much”

“I had a slight pain on right side which went away when I brought up ball of foot when I moved pelvis. It felt great.”

“Thank you, so great to feel centered in all directions”

“this was just what my post concussive/whiplash body needed today”

“Thank you Tiffany much more over my feet. Great lesson !”

“thanks so much! My feet are much happier. My spine and ribs feel looser. My neck feels much better.”

“love simplicity with million variations. great. Thanks T.”

“Thank you very much. I feel softer and nice a live in my spine and moving in more balance.”

“Thank you Tiffany, The word which comes to mind is congruent. Wonderful class!”

“Easier walking thru the foot”

“longer in my neck, grounded in feet, lengthened up through my head.”

“love the different angles of the foot”

“Thank you - I feel more fluid”

“Sitting up straighter”

“the neck is free”

“feel that my right toe is finally connected to the ground! :)”

“My right side felt like it was floating in the air at the beginning, and at the end I felt totally even.”

“Thank you. More even weight between legs.”

“Thank you - very opening and lengthening”

“Thank you! Very freeing”