The Wisdom of Doing Less

"Do a little less than your utmost while learning... continuing to do a little less than your utmost, you go on improving.... The wisdom of doing a little less than one really can pushes the record of achievement further and further as you come nearer to it, similar to the horizon that recedes on approaching it." 

This is Chapter 20 from Feldenkrais Illustrated: The Art of Learning, excerpts from the writings of Moshe Feldenkrais, edited and illustrated by Tiffany Sankary.

Create Space

"We are beginning to place enormous emphasis on creativity, but there is a tendency to think that being creative is limited to “producing” something. I would suggest to you that the basic creativity of the human being consists in his working toward his own fullest development, the realizing of his own potentials, the allowing himself to grow. What we create first is ourselves and it is out of ourselves that the producing comes.” - Mary Whitehouse

Feldenkrais in the NY Times Filled my Private Practice

The people who are coming to me via the NY Times article are intelligent, curious, fascinating people--therapists, professors, lawyers, artists, writers---open and eager to learn. It has been an honor to work with them. PAIN is the reason they all came to the method and they are finding that the same process which helps reduce their pain also supports overall well being, and for many, more vibrant creativity. It is a paradigm shift from our pain-no-gain culture.

Emotional Well-Being through the Feldenkrais Method®

In one lesson on the difference between exercises and learning he says, "If you go through these exercises in order to gain something," which is just like the zen in where if you think you're meditating to gain something, it's not meditation, 'if you're going through these processes to gain an outcome, then the outcome will be gone within five minutes after you leave the class.

Thoughts on failure and learning

“Failure is information—we label it failure, but it’s more like, ‘This didn’t work, I’m a problem solver, and I’ll try something else.’” -Carol Diener What's your attitude about failure? Infants and children are constantly trying things they don't yet know how to do. What can we gain from understanding a child’s approach to motor learning?